Gift cards and POS systems
A multi-channel gift card is an essential part of a modern point-of-sale system
The gift card module is integral to contemporary point-of-sale systems. It is an excellent sales item for customers, but it also offers numerous opportunities for shop keepers and restaurateurs. Crucially, the gift card should function seamlessly both in brick-and-mortar stores and online.
The gift card is one of the many modules within the Solteq Commerce Cloud point-of-sale system. It can be used as part of the Solteq Commerce Cloud system or as a standalone solution to support gift card needs in other external systems. Integration with external systems is possible, leveraging straightforward and modern REST API solutions.
The gift card module is delivered as a Software as a Service (SaaS) model, allowing for the utilization of both physical and digital gift cards. The solution also caters to the requirements of multi-channel commerce, supporting gift card usage and purchases in both brick-and-mortar stores and online platforms. Several e-commerce solutions, such as WooCommerce, Adobe Commerce, and Shopify, are compatible with multi-channel gift card needs.
For more information about our gift card solution, feel free to get in touch.
Gift card features
Feature | Benefit |
Physical and Digital Gift Cards | The physical gift card is a traditional format, and these can be ordered with custom branding and packaging. Alongside traditional gift cards, a digital alternative has emerged, which is more modern and agile in many ways, especially regarding delivery (such as via email). When purchased from an online store, the digital gift card can be used immediately. |
Real-Time and Decreasing Balanc |
Gift cards do not need to be used all at once. Users can be informed of their real-time balance. |
Customization of Digital Gift Card Appearance |
Merchants can create their own custom appearance for digital gift cards in the background service, without needing assistance from a vendor. These appearances can be quickly tailored for different occasions (such as Christmas, New Year, etc.). |
Support for Multiple Languages |
Digital gift cards can be created in various languages. |
Secure Management and Usage |
Since gift cards and their usage are comparable to currency-related activities, it’s crucial to manage them in a secure environment and track their usage. Solteq’s gift card management operates in a high-security cloud service. Additionally, simultaneous use of gift cards across different sales channels is restricted. |
Transaction Review |
The background service provides a detailed transaction history, allowing for tracking when and where a card was used. This speeds up resolution in case of errors or unclear situations. |
Resending and Reloading |
If a digital gift card hasn’t arrived via email (due to an incorrect email address, for example), it can be easily resent from the background service. Additionally, the same gift card can be reloaded instead of purchasing a new one. |
Bulk Loading and Mass Updates |
For corporate sales, it’s possible to load multiple gift cards in bulk and send them to subscribers. The quantity can be predetermined. |
Multi-Channel Gift Card |
Gift cards can be purchased both in-store and online, and they can be used both in physical stores and on the web. This significantly enhances the sales and usability of gift cards, benefiting both merchants and customers. Supported platforms include WooCommerce, Shopify, and Adobe Commerce. |
Balance Transfer |
In case of a lost gift card, a new one can be created with the desired balance, and the old one can be closed with a comment. |
Message or Greeting for Digital Gift Cards |
Custom messages can be defined for gift card templates. |
Different Delivery Methods |
While a traditional physical gift card must always be handed over or sent, a digital gift card can be delivered via email or as a PDF file. It can also be printed with a QR code on the receipt during point-of-sale transactions. |
Support for Different Code Types (Barcode, QR Code) |
This feature allows for the use of various physical gift card types when different code formats are supported. |
Product Restrictions and Product-Specific Gift Cards |
Gift cards can be restricted to specific products (e.g., excluding alcohol). Usage can be limited to named items, product categories, or tax rates. In addition to currency-based gift cards, it’s possible to create quantity-based gift cards. These can be tied to specific products and used, for example, for multi-use cards at events or corporate functions. |
Validity Period |
Gift cards can display an expiration date, making it easier for the cardholder to plan its use. |
External Gift Card ID |
The gift card ID can be sourced from an external system, enabling multi-channel gift cards. |
Refunds at the Cash Register |
Refunds can be processed for gift cards at the cash register, simplifying returns management. |
Clearing Pre-Printed Gift Cards |
The ability to reset pre-printed gift cards. |
Selling Product-Specific Gift Cards at the Register |
For instance, offering a 10-session gift card. |
Integratable with Various Systems (Multiple Modern APIs) |
Supports different systems, such as e-commerce platforms, point-of-sale (POS) systems, payment terminals, and mobile applications. |
Solteq Commerce Cloud -kassajärjestelmä eri toimialoilla

Ravintolat ja kahvilat
Solteq Commerce Cloud soveltuu erityisen hyvin ravintolasektorille. Se tuo yhteen kassatoiminnot/kassajärjestelmän, myynnin, tilausten, toimitusten ja tuotetiedon hallinnan sekä ydintoimintojen, kuten valmistavan keittiön prosessien ohjauksen.
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