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    Interim Report, April 1 – June 30, 2024

    The company's second quarter brought about a very significant turnaround in results: the comparable operating result improved by EUR 2.1 million relative to the comparison period. The Group's comparable EBITDA was EUR 0.6 million, and the comparable operating result was slightly positive for the first time in two years. This complete turnaround in profitability results from systematic and long-term efforts focused on renewing the business strategy, improving the quality of Utilities software products, and group-wide efficiency and cost-saving initiatives.

    The revenue development for the review period lagged slightly behind the comparison period due to subdued customer demand. The Group's comparable revenue was EUR 13.4 million during the review period, which decreased by 1.5 percent relative to the comparison period.

    The Retail & Commerce segment performed well in the subdued market and improved its performance significantly from the comparison period. The comparable operating result improved by EUR 0.8 million from the comparison period and was EUR 0.4 million positive. However, comparable revenue decreased slightly from the comparison period (-1.2 percent). During the review period, an efficiency and cost-savings program within the Commerce & Data business unit of the Retail & Commerce segment and the Group administration was implemented to improve the profitability. The company estimates achieving annual savings of approximately EUR 3.4 million through group-wide savings and reduction measures. Approximately a third of the annual cost savings is expected to be realized on the second half of 2024.

    Systematic measures to improve the quality of Utilities software products and develop the operations are reflected as a significant improvement in the profitability of the Utilities segment from the comparison period. The comparable operating result improved by EUR 1.3 million and was EUR -0.4 million. The comparable operating result improved by more than 78 percent. As a result of the measures taken, the Utilities segment will return to profitable growth.

    The long-term market outlook for the Retail & Commerce segment is expected to remain moderate, and demand to recover as the markets stabilize. The long-term market outlook for the Utilities segment is expected to remain good and provide opportunities for profitable growth.

    On August 21, 2024, the company commenced a written procedure to amend the terms and conditions of its EUR 23 million notes maturing on October 1, 2024. In the written procedure, the noteholders' consent is being sought to postpone the final maturity date of the notes by 24 months, which would extend the maturity to October 1, 2026.

    Aarne Aktan - Solteq CEO

    CEO Aarne Aktan