Assortment Planning and Store Space Optimization
Satisfied customers and profitable business with centralized assortment planning and store space optimization

Target assortments and optimized store space usage to meet the needs of store customers
We can optimize the offerings of the stores in your multi-channel sales network and plan the functional use of space for them. We can do this both for the assortments that best meet local demand and the most efficient use of store and shelf space. In a well-designed store, customers feel comfortable and will be eager to visit again.
Use AI on assortment planning and space optimization to build the best customer experience
We combine and use all available data sources to guide customer-oriented management of the product range. By using AI (Artificial Intelligence) in assortment planning and optimization we can identify the most suitable assortments for customer needs and select the most profitable products on those assortments. At the same time, we can make the best use of the available store space.
The same application can cover cluster, chain, and store-level design. Clustering stores in terms of assortments and placing the stores in the map view provides detailed information on how demand varies across different market geographies. And what size of store is the most suitable one on each area.
Cost-effective applications for continuous process development
The customer-oriented assortment management process is typically repeated several times a year to be able to manage changes such as seasonal variations and changes in the range on offer. In this way, it is possible to maintain up-to-date assortments at all times.
The ultimate goal of the customer-oriented assortment planning and management process is to make the right assortments available for each store. The store-level compliance of the recommendation assortments can be implemented and the implementation monitored with the aid of image recognition, for example. This helps guarantee the success of the assortment management process.
Create a truly customer-oriented assortment planning and management process
By taking advantage of the latest innovations in range management applications, a truly customer-centric range management process created, at the same time supporting easy collaboration between different users of the process and third-party suppliers. It enables assortment management to be transformed into a strategic differentiation factor and offers a holistic approach to the various stages of the assortment management process, such as clustering, creating space-efficient assortments, creating shelf images, and other stages of the process.
Optimize local space-efficient assortments
By entering store clustering data that takes purchasing behavior into account in the assortment management process, retailers can optimize store grouping and design more relevant item assortments at the level of a particular format, store, department, and product group. Sales, margins and customer loyalty can be increased with assortments based on customers’ purchasing behavior, taking into account the use of space. These customer-driven ranges are developed using information on price sensitivity, product equivalence, sales, profitability, order of importance of assortments, and many other kinds of information. The result is assortments that fit the available space.
We combine and use all available data sources to guide customer-oriented management of the product range. With this information, we can optimize your range to meet local demand requirements and make the best use of the available store space. A single solution can handle cluster, chain and store level control.