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    13.03.2017 — 4 min read

    The value of a well-being strategy becomes visible on Tuesday

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    What does group exercise breaks have in common with Jarmo's recreational floorball games, Risto biking to work, #solteqmove hashtag and lying on a massage table? They all represent enjoyable moments. But the truly essential point lies in the background.

    Investing in physical well-being is quite important. Simply put, the fundamental pillars of an individual’s physical well-being include exercise, sufficient sleep and a healthy diet. These factors are also quite closely linked to mental stamina.

    Specialised work involves little physical exertion, so it is advisable to devote some attention to exercise. Nowadays we spend more time sitting than previous generations. Being sedentary challenges our bodies, whose functionalities strongly suggest that we were made for movement.

    How the magic happens

    So, what should we do and who should do it? How do we ensure that our personnel stays active? The best way to go about it is to combine employees’ individual choices with our efforts in the workplace.

    It sounds grand to have employee well-being as one of our strategic goals. However, it is only during our everyday routines that we make or ignore choices – ‘where the magic happens’. Therefore, activities people take up on ordinary Tuesdays or Wednesdays play a crucial role in meeting our goal.

    Fortunately, recently our efforts have also been reflected on that level, and now:

    • Risto bikes to work more often. Because of an employee initiative, each Solteqian’s mission is to spend the extra working time agreed to in the labour market’s competitiveness pact on some kind of physical activity.­­
    • Due to the efforts of our offices’ well-being coaches we see more people getting involved during break-time exercise classes. Hanna gets an opportunity to regularly relax and treat her lower back problems on the massage table during working hours. And yes, for free.
    • Regular at floorball games, Jarmo can enjoy shared leisure time activities with other Solteq team members in the early morning. It would be quite difficult to play without a team.
    • The #Solteqmove campaign designed to promote leisure time activities has motivated Tero to get a bunch of sports vouchers and use them on the ski slopes. He shares images on Yammer for his workmates to enjoy using the same hashtag.

    We can engage in active well-being on weekdays just as easily as during our leisure time. Sometimes offering even the smallest encouragement and opportunity can make a big difference. As a workplace, we also bear responsibility for this.

    ‘Does the body rule the mind or does the mind rule the body?’ asks a song by the Smiths. Not many others claim to know whether the mind or the body leads in the marching order, but it is worth investing in balancing the two. Not just to cope at work, but in the name of well-being in all aspects of life.


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    well-being, careers, culture, Personnel, Blog