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    Thoughts and inspiration from our experts

    Utilizing Artificial Intelligence in Retail and Other Emerging Trends in the Retail Industry

    Recently, there has been a lot of discussion and writing about artificial intelligence (AI), and its utilization is expected to be a key trend...

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    Are you prepared for the new EU regulations on artificial intelligence?

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has long won the argument about its benefits and its importance for modern-day operations. It can be applied to all...

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    Product Information Management Trends for 2019

    Product information management systems develop constantly. A company’s own systems, business operation processes and customer understanding are all...

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    Are your online services designed for your customers - or for you? Double your online business by simplifying!

    Many web services are made in the image of their designers, although the customer should be at the center. Users are impatient to learn how to use...

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    Even a super robot needs human help in the workplace

    How would you feel if you enthusiastically went to welcome a new co-worker and he turned away without saying a word? Exactly. I was also offended. It...

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    Design your operating model to withstand the winds of digital change

    As the end of the year approaches, budgeting and goal setting are on the to-do lists of many companies. Much energy is spent on visualizing the...

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