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    Solteq to change stock symbol to SOLTEQ - effective on February 1st, 2017

    Solteq will change its trading code (stock symbol) on Nasdaq Helsinki to SOLTEQ. The change is effective at the start of trading on Wednesday, February 1st, 2017. The previous trading code for Solteq was STQ1V.

    Share details as of February 1, 2017:

    Company name: Solteq Plc

    New trading code: SOLTEQ

    ISIN: FI0009007991

    The stock symbol change aims at making the everyday life of an investor easier. The idea, in addition, is that the stock symbol describes Solteq – the digital commerce service provicer – even better than before.

    Additional Information

    Repe Harmanen, CEO, Solteq Plc
    tel. +358 400 467 717


    NASDAQ OMX Helsinki
    Key Media

    Solteq in Brief

    Solteq is a digital commerce expert. We offer total solutions for omnicommerce, from back end processes all the way to the purchasing experience of the customer and from supply chain management to digital marketing. Our passion is to deliver the unexpected to our clients – in the fast changing world, you need a partner that can deliver today what you will need tomorrow. We employ about 500 experts in three countries and make deliveries to Europe, North America, Asia and Australia. In 2015, our annual net sales amounted to 54 million euro.
