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    Thoughts and inspiration from our experts

    B2B Moved Top Of The Digital Agenda – Are You Ready?

    When browsing the research and blog content of major industry analysts such as Forrester, McKinsey, Gartner etc. there are few topics this year that...

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    Are you prepared for the new EU regulations on artificial intelligence?

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has long won the argument about its benefits and its importance for modern-day operations. It can be applied to all...

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    From sales opportunity to long-lasting customer relationships

    Anyone who has been in sales at some point in their career knows very well that it takes a lot of work to convert an opportunity into an actual deal....

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    Solteq way of modernizing applications

    In case you have an application, either mobile or web application that is not what you are looking for. It does what it supposed to do, but it is not...

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    Selecting the role of PIM in the system architecture

    PIM is short for Product Information Management. At the outset that could mean all the data about your products, but in practice you want be a bit...

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    Electricity market in transition

    Anyone who has been following the energy market in recent years has certainly noticed that the market is undergoing some degree of change. More...

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    You keep track on your corporate physical assets, how about your data?

    You can’t really run your business if you don’t know what you own and where those assets are. There might be stock in the any of your warehouses or...

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    D2C is not only about selling directly to customers

    Do any of these slogans sound familiar to you? "Unlock the Power of Customer Data!", "Improve Customer Focus!" "Own the Total Experience!", "Maximize...

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    Happy Data Protection Day 2022 from Solteq!

    Have you ever had an encounter with a person, who confronts you with a blunt observation: “Hey, you look familiar. I know you from somewhere, where...

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    Your Christmas card campaign reflects the quality of your ERP integration!

    December is the time when companies send Christmas cards to their business relations as a gesture of good tidings. Frequently, but unintentionally,...

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    Digitalization of pharmacies opens up new markets

    How can highly regulated industries, such as pharmacies, keep up with the pace of development in the retail sector and meet all the ever-changing...

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    Highlights from PIMpoint Digital 2021

    Last week was special because it was again time for the world’s largest PIM event, inriver's PIMpoint Digital. The event offered a lot of interesting...

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