We implemented Solteq Electricity Distribution development project with five of our customers. The aim of the project started in 2017 was to develop a new software solution for transfer pricing, business planning, and the calculation of the allowed return.

Pricing, Business Planning and Business Monitoring started to be completed in the beginning of 2018, and the software was already integrated with the CIS and EDM systems. The development project had progressed to the first phase of testing in the participating DSOs. The next step was the calculation and reporting of the allowed return.
Kymenlaakson Sähköverkko already saw benefits at an early stage. Juha Kaariaho, Manager of Distribution Service Unit, considered the solution as an important tool in distribution business. ”Solteq Electricity Trade enables us to provide cost-based pricing, as well as the calculation of the reasonable return. We also expect the solution to serve us in the long-term planning of the business.”
In addition to Kymenlaakson Sähköverkko, the development project of Solteq Electricity Trade solution included Järvi-Suomen Energia, PKS Sähkönsiirto, Lappeenrannan Energiaverkot, and Keravan Energia. At present, over 20 customers uses the solution and an important key ingredient of the solution’s development is still the co-operation carried out together with our customers.
"Solteq Electricity Trade enables us to provide cost-based pricing, as well as the calculation of the reasonable return."
Juha Kaariaho, Manager of Distribution Service Unit, Kymenlaakson Sähköverkko

Kymenlaakson Sähköverkko
Kymenlaakson Sähkö is an energy group owned by 10 cities and municipalities. The energy group, which is more than 100 years old, serves its customers in the electricity sales and distribution. Kymenlaakson Sähkö is one of the Finland's largest electricity companies: the distribution area covers more than 150,000 inhabitants and there are more than 100,000 customers in electricity sales.
It is important for Kymenlaakson Sähkö to know its customers and develop competitive solutions that also work in accordance with the sustainable development of the environment and the society. The energy group invests in diversified energy production and the continuous development of the electricity network. Well-considered investments and a sound business ensure a reliable energy supply to customers and a significant return for owners.

Your expert
Jari Kokkonen
Senior Business Director, Head of Sales