Keuruun Sähkö uses Solteq Electricity Distribution, for instance calculating distribution prices and choosing the best possible product for its customers. "We chose Solteq Electricity Distribution because we needed an off-the-shelf product that enables us to reliably manage the power products in the future," says Network Engineer Sari Kolu from Keuruun Sähkö about the purchase decision.

“Solteq Electricity Distribution makes our work easier and clearer. Everything you need is now in one place and we get clear reports that can be used as such for reports to the board of directors,” states Kolu. Previously, all calculations were performed in several different Excels and separate templates were made for reporting. The solution also enabled the introduction of a new type of pricing: "Solteq Electricity Distribution allows us to calculate product prices more cost-effectively and target cost items to users of different sizes."
Keuruun Sähkö was satisfied with the commissioning project. “The implementation went very well. The project was flexible and was done according to the customer's needs and schedule. Solteq has a good know-how and an estimate of the workload required for projects. They know on what schedule it is possible to get everything ready,” Kolu recalls about the implementation project.
"We needed an off-the-shelf product that enables us to reliably manage the power products in the future. Solteq Electricity Distribution allows us to calculate product prices more cost-effectively and target cost items to users of different sizes."
Sari Kolu, Network Engineer, Keuruun Sähkö

Keuruun Sähkö
Keuruun Energia Group is a local multifunctional company in the energy sector operating in Central Finland. The Group's operations are based on long-term partnerships and personal service, which includes power grid, electricity sales, electricity network construction, industrial maintenance and automation, and heating services. Keuruun Energia consists of the parent company Keuruun Sähkö, Keuruun Lämpövoima, and Radiki.
The Group's goal is a climate-neutral Finland, where energy demand and production meet in a sustainable way. The goals are pursued through long-term and innovative energy solutions. With partners they have implemented several solutions that utilize better technology are already part of the daily lives of Keuruun Energia’s customers.

Your expert
Jari Kokkonen
Senior Business Director, Head of Sales