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    16.08.2022 — 6 min read

    From sales opportunity to long-lasting customer relationships

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    From sales opportunity to long-lasting customer relationships - Blog

    Anyone who has been in sales at some point in their career knows very well that it takes a lot of work to convert an opportunity into an actual deal. Once you succeed, it is important to be able to deliver what is promised, preferably in a way that makes the customer feel special and important. Keeping your existing customers is actually at least as important as winning new ones. In this blog I thought I would talk a little about this topic and highlight how our system, Solteq Electricity Trade, can help along the way.


    "Listening to the customer and being able to quickly deliver a competitive quote that fits that customer's needs is of the utmost importance."


    I’ll reverse a bit, to the stage when a potential customer is still an opportunity in the CRM system. More precisely, there are several potential customers, of the opportunities that we have identified, only a small part ends up as a paying customer. It is important to be active and be able to react quickly to different needs. Listening to the customer and being able to quickly deliver a competitive quote that fits that customer's needs is of the utmost importance. Quotations are something that our system is very good at. With the help of constantly updated price information and market data, you can easily create a quote and deliver it to the customer within a few minutes. The offer can also be easily updated with new prices as often as you like, something that I see as important given how volatile the market is today. We of course implement your electricity sales company's products and calculation models in the system.


    "The contract structure and products may differ significantly between different customers."


    When we then sooner or later win a customer, we must then, as I said, deliver. Exactly what this means depends on the content of the agreement, and we must be able to deliver both to large industrial customers and to consumers. The contract structure and products may differ significantly between different customers. Large customers on the corporate side often have some form of price hedging strategies or similar linked to them. The price hedges can be easily managed in Solteq Electricity Trade, and you get clear reports on how the price hedges succeeded and how the customer's electricity price has developed and will develop. Corporate customers can also log in Online and see how their portfolio is developing in real time. This increases transparency and the customer can also be given access to e.g. market reports and analyzes as needed. The management of consumer customers makes other demands, and here the focus is often on the efficient administration of large masses. We group the consumers into larger groups according to contract type, which makes them easy to handle and you can easily get information about, for example, contracts that are about to expire.

    A link in customer relationships that I have noticed is sometimes overseen is the importance of well-functioning and clear invoicing. Especially for consumers, the invoice can often be the only continuous customer contact. When it comes to business customers, invoicing errors, especially if repeated, can cause their trust towards you to suffer. Lost trust is very difficult to regain and can easily result in a lost customer. We address this by integrating with your invoicing system and sending current invoicing prices directly to it. The price can of course be produced on many levels. A consumer may only see a total price per kWh, while a larger business customer may want to break it down in smaller components. All this is catered for with Solteq Electricity Trade.


    "Regardless of the size of the customer or the type of contract they have, we always come back to the same thing, a satisfied customer tends to be a long-term customer."


    Regardless of the size of the customer or the type of contract they have, we always come back to the same thing, a satisfied customer tends to be a long-term customer. With the help of our systems, you can manage your customers in an efficient way and produce up-to-date information on the state of the customer's electricity procurement. Doing this effectively means more time to concentrate on your customers and potential new customers. You will have the time to sit down with them and come up with the best solutions. And we all know time spent with the customers in the long run means happy and satisfied customers.

    Read more about Solteq Electricity Trade

    Utilities, Energy, Electricity sales, Electricity market